Welcome to Sélestat!
Country: France
Region: Alsace
Départment: Bas-Rhin
Arrondissement: Sélestat-Erstein
Kanton: Sélestat
Inhabitants: 17.179 (1999)
Homepage: www.ville-selestat.fr
Bibliothèque Humaniste - Humanist Library

The oldest print of the so called "Mundus-novus"-letter can be found here, printed 1503 in Paris and brought to Sélestat probably by Beatus Rhenanus. In this letter Amerigo Vespucci is describing the discovery of a "new world" in the West Atlantic Ocean. Due to this letter the "new world" became known as "America".
Although Christoph Kolumbus sailed there already in 1492, he didn't recognize his finding and just refered to them as "recently discovered islands". The "Cosmographiae introductio" by Martin Waldseemüller and Mathias Ringmann from 1507 is in a way the "baptismal certificate" of America and can be found here as well. In their work they call the newly by Vespucci discovered land "Ameri-ge", meaning "the earth of Americus or America". On the corresponding large map of the world by Waldseemüller, the name of America can be seen for the very first time.
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday till Friday 9:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
during July and August at the same hours plus additionally Saturday and Sunday 14:00 - 17:00
Phone: +33 3 88 58 07 20
Address: 1 Rue de la bibliothèque, 67600 Sélestat
Website: http://bh-selestat.fr/
Website: http://www.bibliotheque-humaniste.eu/
Église Sainte-Foy - Church St. Fides

Inside length: 44.20 meter
Inside height: 11.10 meter
Height of the tower at the intersection: 42 meter
Opening hours:
Monday till Friday 8:00 - 18:00
Saturday 9:00 - 18:00
Sunday 8:00 - 18:00
Address: Place du marché Vert, 67600 Selestat
Phone: +33 (0)3 89 20 15 50